edito lifestyle fashion beauty nude magazine Kseniya Cardon

EDITO Lifestyle Fashion Beauty Nude Magazine

ushers a unique concept of web magazine by creating an issue for each editorial, article or report.
Instead of broadcasting a number compiling several editorials from time to time, we are constantly broadcasting short editorials and we make an issue for each editorial.

We liberate the creativity of our partners by removing the constraints of time, themes and prices due to the finalization and printing of a daily, weekly or monthly magazine.

Our partners can create editorials and reportages of their choice when they want and with the themes they want in themes like lifestyle, fashion, beauty, lingerie, nude, art, architecture, travel, music, sport, dance, gastronomy et many others..

We broadcast the issues continuously as and when they are made.
You can freely consult all the fashion style editorials, articles and reports on our online site
Feel free to share on social networks the numbers you like using the share buttons:

You can also print, at almost cost price, and receive at home the issues you have chosen through our partner magcloud.com.
The money raised by the impressions will be used to maintain and promote this site.